Why Exercise?

I hear it all the time, why do I need to exercise?

That’s a great question with so many responses it can be overwhelming. So, let’s keep it simple and short.

  • Longer life expectancy. People who exercise 30 minutes a day live on average 7.2 years longer than those that are inactive (Azvolinsky, A. 2012. “Exercise Boost Life Expectancy, Study Finds.” www.livescience.com).
  • Faster metabolism which means you can eat more…woohoo!
  • Dramatically reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancer, and several other life-threatening diseases.
  • Positive effect on mood and overall outlook on life.
  • Overall satisfaction with how you look.
  • Weight loss and muscle gain.
  • Increased stamina, strength, endurance and energy.
This list can go on and on.

The benefits and rewards of exercise are amazing that it’s almost crazy that not everyone is doing it. And, you were made for greatness! Greatness in your overall physical health and mental well-being. Gods design for you is to prosper and to be in health in every way. So, take care of yourself now and for your future by allowing Alcantara Wellness help you to reach your goals.

You can do anything, and the time is now for you to start!