Frequently Asked Questions

Alcántara Wellness targets people seeking wisdom and knowledge on ways to transform their identity and body into the fullness of their abilities and potential.

People who have decided to no longer allow physical, emotional, mental, or psychological issue to paralyze their lives and are driven to experience true freedom in its totality will benefit from Alcántara Wellness. What destroys many people’s lives is the absence of knowledge regarding one’s personal or physical health concerns. Obstacles that torment the mind and physical limitations will be addressed and overcome. Once identified, people can choose to learn tools and techniques surrounding mental/emotional health, physical health, or both. Alcántara Wellness is your best option for both physical and mental health wellness where a step-by-step roadmap to God-designed power and strength will be provided.

Carlos Alcántara will help navigate through psychosocial issues that have impacted perception and interpretation, and replace unhealthy paradigms with concrete truths that shift towards healthy identity. Bianca Alcántara will provide step-by-step tools and techniques to improve physical health through exercise and nutritional information. The combination of both physical and mental transformation has been proven to result in sustainable and life-long vigor.

Many entities offering mental health services have limited connection with programs that target physical health deficiencies despite research substantiating their relationship. People who suffer from multiple mental health issues (i.e. depression, anxiety, trauma, etc.) may exhibit physical symptoms due to the mental health issues (i.e. headaches, insomnia, shift in weight, etc.). Concurrently people who suffer from physical ailments (i.e. overweight, unhealthy eating, high blood pressure, etc.) simultaneously struggle with mental health issues connected to the physical ailments (i.e. low self-esteem, isolation, hopelessness, etc.). At Alcántara Wellness both issues are explored together and clients will be given knowledge on ways in which both physical and mental health issues affect daily functioning. Specific routines, plans, interventions, and techniques will be offered that will target both physical and mental obstacles. Ultimately, people will gain knowledge about their mind, body, and soul that will transform the way they live, act, relate, and function so that they embark on a new life-chapter driven by purpose and destiny.

Are you not religious? Good! Because neither are we. Alcántara Wellness does not aim to emphasize rituals (i.e. going to church, praying, etc.) nor require specific spiritual behaviors. Our focus is to show you how a relationship with God can and will produce a result that will surpass even your own goals. We are unapologetically followers of Jesus Christ who is the Son of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit navigate through life with an immovable hope. No matter where you stand with respect to religion, denomination, or perception/belief in God, we desire to show you how the incorporation of true spirituality is essential to both physical and mental health.

Although Alcántara Wellness desires to provide you with holistic wellness, you are not required to use both services at the same time. You are welcome to start with either mental health services, personal training or nutritional counseling. During the process you are welcome to add the other service or simply utilize one.

Because Alcántara Wellness is approaching mental health in an innovative way, they have decided to avoid limitations through medical insurance companies. Many times, a physical label/diagnosis is required by insurance to justify treatment and there are limited sessions “allowed” per insurance. Alcántara Wellness seeks to approach wellness without requiring labeling a client nor initiating a transformative process only for insurance to abruptly stop the service. Furthermore, Alcántara Wellness uses the Bible for principles of change, which insurance companies may not accept as modalities for treatment. Therefore, Alcántara Wellness does not accept medical insurance for payment. However, clients are welcome to take receipts and seek reimbursement from their insurance.

Research will show you that efficacious results comes when you focus on both physical exercise and nutrition. Bianca will offer you meal plans and/or supplements to help you on your journey towards transformative physical health. However, you are not required to utilize what she suggests and are free to purchase nutritional services or physical fitness training individually.

No. Mental health services can be done via telephone or over webcam/website designed for online mental health. Nutritional services can be done via telephone, social media, or online platforms.

Yes. You will be an active participate in the assessment process and mutually agreeing on the best initial approach. However, if during the process you seek changes (i.e. add family/couples therapy, add more physical fitness sessions, change the meal plan, change day/time of services, etc) you are welcome to have that conversation with Alcántara Wellness and they will accommodate your needs to the best of their ability.

No. Alcántara Wellness will be heard through workshops, conferences, seminars, or meetings where Carlos Alcántara and/or Bianca Alcántara are asked to speak. Audience members will have an experiential and dynamic presentation that will introduce them to fundamental principles Alcántara Wellness is grounded on. People will then have the opportunity to learn ways in which Alcántara Wellness can address issues/concerns in a specified manner. Stay tuned via our blog or social media accounts for upcoming events!